Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ok, you can pass it to me

Stacey at The Jumping Percheron passed this on to me. I must now tell ten things about myself.

1-- I am the proud owner of Belle, an 18 year old Clydesdale Mare -- yes, an actual clydesdale (as opposed to Klein, that must wear a halter that clearly states that she is a Percheron, not a clydesdale)Foxy, an 11 year old paint mare, and a four month old paint filly Lady (name pending is Q Ton Foxy Cyanoptera)

2-- I am a science teacher with a seriously warped sense of humor. I have horse skulls with Christmas lights in their eye sockets and I think that pics like this are funny.

3-- I drive a Ram 2500 V-10. No this is not my husband's vehicle. It is mine.

4-- I have three kids. I like mine own, but rarely other people's kids. If I liked kids I would teach elementary school. I prefer high school because then they have personality.

5-- I am married to Santa.

6-- I just bought a barn on nine acres in a tiny town in Wyoming. It is so small that it no longer has its own post office.

7-- I have a brain damaged dog. As a pup, he thought that it would be really funny to grab horses' tails. he was kicked way too many times. He is the dumbest Australian Shepard on the planet.

8-- I have two cats and two fish. Let's see how well they will make the move, together.

9-- I am a Coke addict. I drink Cherry Coke by the case.

10-- I am a HUGE Dale Jr. fan. If Belle ever has a colt, he will be named Dale Earnhardt Jr.


  1. I love the old time pic! And Dale Jr huh? Klein's colt would be Carl Edwards Jr. Little E needs to get it together, poor guy, he's had such crappy luck lately!

  2. Hey, it's Santa and Tom, owner of "Tom's wheel of Mystery." Nice pictures. I too love the B&W old time one. And how did you get those two moths to pose like that?

    Sorry the show sucked for you. Better luck next time. Have fun with the moving. Did you get that job?

  3. Stacey
    I was yelling yesterday when Jr's engine/trani blew. But as long as Kyle Busch doesn't win. . .
    Carl Edwards and his back flips are ok. But when he flips his car. . . WOW

    Slave Driver
    We got the old time pic in Deadwood -- what more appropriate place? The move is this Friday-- Finally!!! No word on the job, yet.

  4. WARNING-- Kid story, but at least no pics.

    In 2007, while Jr was still the 8 and had all of those DNFs, kid #3 was Dale Jr. for Halloween. He kept throwing himself on the ground and flopping around. He was seriously irritating me (you would have shot him) I finally asked him what his freaking problem was. He looked at me with a crap eating grin, "I'm wrecking!" He is not allowed to be Jr. anymore!
