Friday, June 28, 2013


I am sitting at the University of Utah, waiting for my class to start as I write this. Why did I bring Bart home right before I had tot go right back to SLC and go to an intense graduate level class? I don't know, I must be crazy. Stacey at The Jumping percheron blog nominated me for an award. Its the Liebster award. I have no idea why it is called the Liebster award. I get to answer questions about myself. WooHoo! 1.If you could ride anywhere in the world, where would it be? Ireland- There are no snakes. 2.Have you ever been out of the country that you live? Canada and off the coast of Mexico. 3.What's your job, do you like it? I am a high school science teacher. I love it. It is at a tiny Charter school so I get to have a lot of flexibility. I can bring ponies to school. I get to play in a greenhouse. 4. Proudest moment with your horse. With Belle, when we were at school and had a fire alarm, we, of course, brought Belle out to the evacuation site with us. It was windy and cold. The students in my class all huddled on one side of her. Some other students that were not in my animal science class were telling the huddled students that it wasn't safe to do that. One student piped up and said she was the safest horse the do this with. It was great. 5. Any horse tattoos? No tattoos at all. My truck has stickers, though. "My other ride is a Clydesdale" "Life's a journey, enjoy the ride" and "Horses are proof that God loves us" 6. Favorite place to haul out to ride Shoshoni arena. We love the Shoshoni Gymkhanas. 7. Any other hobbies besides riding? Science! I have 3 kids actively involved in 4-H, FFA, Band, Sports. I have started spin classes and Monday I am starting crossfit classes, too. 8.Most ridiculous piece of tack you've seen. Spade bits 9.Furthest distance you've taken your horse aka road trip, day haul, show, etc? Salt Lake to home, 318 miles. 10.Is this your first blog award? Nope, I don't remember what the other was, too long ago. 11.Do you board or have your horse(s)at home? Most of the time my kids are home. Last year, I sent Belle, Lady, and Foxy to Fall pasture to wean Antares. Then I switched and brought Belle and Foxy home and sent Antares and Misty out with Lady. Lady is currently at the trainer, but coming home today. I don't follow many blogs, I don't even follow 11, so I will pass on the passing it on. Sorry, I am Lazy. Or just to busy. Not sure which:)

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