Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring is on it's way!!!

With Spring on it's way, I have been swamped (quite literally with all of the snow melting. The mud is everywhere. We will be fixing up things for next winter and spring!)
After attempting to put Lady in a stall with Princess to try and wean her before show season-
-----Princess would not let her come into the stall to eat. Then when we put hay in the run, Princess chased after a heavy sweat, which is really bad with her four inch coat and freezing temperatures----

So I put her back in with Belle and Foxy for another few weeks.

Last weekend, we did some major spring cleaning. We still need a front end loader to strip the runs, but we got alot of barn cleaning done. I also put Foxy in a stall and run by herself and left Lady with Belle. The first thing that Belle did was try to push over the panel between their stalls. Belle needed weaning from Foxy as bad as Lady. They are still all turned out to pasture together, so it is not a true weaning, yet, but it helps with training and feeding.

I started my spring training with Kid #2 today. He is on the middle school track team, so I figured that we would workout together in the morning so that I could improve my physical shape (thanks for all of the reminders about rider fitness, Fitness Guru Stacey) One thing that I did not think about was just how dark it is at 5:00 am now that Daylight savings stuff was Sunday. We had to briskly walk because we were tripping over frozen mud holes, tire tracks, Shooter and Tigris. (I will bring a flashlight tomorrow) We figured that Shooter would love to run with us, but Tigris really surprised me. Tigris (During the Day)
He kept up the entire time. My goal is a 10K this summer. Kid #2 wants to run a marathon, but I think that we will wait on that.

This week is full of Birthdays. Kid #2 and Foxy will be 12 this weekend. I gave Belle March 21 as a Birthday because mine is on Monday. Lady is 1 on the 28th. I am baking horse shaped cakes and special treats for the ponies. Barnaby turned 28 this month, too.


  1. When we had the farm we'd go for a trail ride and the dogs would follow us...mostly... but the cat stayed right along side the entire ride. It was weird.

    Have fun with that training.

  2. I think that it is cool that Lady's birthday is the 28th of March. My daughter Jamie's birthday is the same day. :0)
